Certified aviation business valuations & appraisals by Avicor Aviation

Aviation Business Value Goals

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Having an End Goal

You are a key player in an aviation business, but have you thought through your long-term goal for the business? There are four simple steps you should take in considering your future and the future of your business.

Your End Goal: Breaking It Down Part I

How clearly is your end goal defined? Exactly what is your goal? Maybe it's time to step back, take a closer look and add some substance to your goal and how you plan to get there.

Your End Goal: Breaking It Down Part II

What exactly is it going to take to get from here to there? What steps are involved to reach your goal? And what is your starting point? If you were to reach your goal today, would you know what your aviation business is worth?

Your End Goal: Final Steps

Your goals are established. Plans are in place. So what is the next step? Here are few tips on what you need to do to move forward and achieve those goals!

Worth It Wedne$day!

Interested in maximizing the value of your aviation business? Sign up for Worth It Wedne$day! Every other Wednesday you will receive a short email from us with tips, ideas and a link to download more.

If you would like to contact us directly, either email us at bizvalues@avicoraviation.com or call us at 1-503-973-5711 or 1-800-563-2359.Back to Menu

Certified Business Valuations National Business Aviation Association
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Avicor Aviation Inc.
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